Bondage – Useful Tips
‘Bondage’ means restraining and limiting the physical movements of a person – with their consent, of course!
If you'd like to start exploring these particular dynamics and the power games that arise when, in a couple, one person is completely at the mercy of the other, you can use some very simple objects that are easily found around the house.
Bondage: hints and tips for BDSM
To begin with, keep it simple. If you want to explore some of these practices, you can start by tying your – or your partner's – wrists with a scarf, tie or belt. Use items that are easy to untie and soft to the touch. First of all, notice how you feel when you're physically constrained or when you watch someone being dominated. Don't make things difficult with ropes and knots you might see on online tutorials and that, at first glance, might seem really easy to replicate – tying a bondage knot it's not as simple as tying your shoes.
You can experience some interesting sensations by combining a blindfold and gag with some wax, ice or clips – these are just a few bondage suggestions.
There's no need to stay in bed – sometimes a chair can offer fun and stimulating options, especially in terms of positions – wrists tied behind the back of the chair, legs akimbo, a blindfold and you can unleash your imagination!
Again, don't worry about using particular bondage knots, the important thing is that the wrists are not tied too tightly and that there's some room for movement. Over time and after a couple of dedicated classes you'll be able to move on to more complex things, as well as proper knots.
Ground rules
Another bondage tip is to always tell the other person how we feel and what we're experiencing (especially the first times), that is, if we like or not what we're doing and whether we feel at ease. Communication is especially crucial the first time you experiment with Shibari. You should always be talking, whether you're the one being constrained or the one constraining the other person: don't use a distant tone but keep an erotic one that will contribute to the seductive mood you have no doubt created. These are the very first basic bondage tips you should bear in mind.
And even if you're using scarves and everyday objects, always keep some safety scissors at hand, or keep in sight the right knot to be untied.
Moreover, don't imitate what you see in pictures! This is the best bondage tip you can get, as more often than not, images and photos we see on social media are taken by experts – thus, if you're inexperienced, it's best to keep things simple. Bondage is an especially enjoyable activity if you want to explore new sensations, aesthetic appeal will come over time.
If you're using a gag, remember that the person who's gagged can't – obviously – communicate with you, so agree on a signal to be used in case something is wrong (for example, they could hold a small ball in one hand and let it fall if needed). Don't forget that although safety is essential, having fun together is also a very important part of this. In fact, a good way to start out with bondage is, simply, to start exploring your –and your partner's – fantasies.
Article by Marta Santospirito – specialised in kinky sexuality and bondage teacher.Inizio modulo